学院期待所有的学生, those living on or off campus or commuting from the home of their parents or guardians, to act in an appropriate manner and treat others with respect. 大学政策反映了 最小的 acceptable level of behavior and the consequences of not meeting these expectations.

  • 校外学生 要求 提供他们的名字, 他们的室友, 他们的校外地址, 校外电话号码, 房东的姓名和电话. Students who fail to provide this information will be fined and a hold will be placed on their registration and records.
  • 校内和校外的学生都是 不允许 拥有任何街道、交通或建筑标志. Students who violate this policy will be referred to Student Affairs for disciplinary action and to the local authorities.
  • A student who is cited or arrested by the police for being under the influence of alcohol or drugs or for being disorderly, 并被拘留在警察局或其他地点,不会是 由大学官员签署或保释. 学生需要安排另一个人, 警察认为合适的人, 签字让她/他离开. If the student cannot arrange for an appropriate person 签字让她/他离开 from the police station, the student will be detained until the police decide to release her/him.
  • 如果传票是在校外房子发出的, 租给赌场官方网投的学生, the tenants of the dwelling will be suspended from the College for no less than one full semester. 租户, whether present or not at the incident when the citation is issued, are responsible for behavior that takes place at their dwelling.
  • Students who are not tenants of the dwelling and are issued a citation will receive a sanction of not less than disciplinary probation for one semester, 家长/监护人通知, 和100美元.00细.
  • 任何校外住所被视为 讨厌的东西 (defined as two or more complaints by the police or neighbors) will result in the student being 要求 to move from the dwelling or he/she cannot remain a student at the College. All costs incurred by the student due to the move or failure thereof (and being dismissed from the College) are the responsibility of the student.
  • Students conduct cases that are referred as a result of off campus incidents or citation will be heard through the College Judicial Process (informal disciplinary process or by administrative hearing).


Many of the areas where students live are either adjacent to or are primary residential neighborhoods for families. This is especially true for the properties on North Main Street, Madison Street and North Street. Student residents are a part of their neighborhood and must respect 他们邻居的隐私权和安静权. Loud music or other noise will result in a police response to their apartment or house. The City of Wilkes-Barre does have a noise ordinance which is enforced.


The City of Wilkes-Barre is concerned about fire safety in off-campus student apartments and houses.

  • 烟雾探测器: While most apartments and houses 安装烟雾探测器, some do not. 你应该 安装烟雾探测器 在你的公寓或房子里. If the landlord does not provide smoke detectors, you should install them. Batteries should never be removed from the smoke detectors to disable them. Remember to change batteries twice a year in conjunction with the change of clocks.
  • 空间加热器: Some houses use space heaters, which are often the cause of fires in apartments and dwellings. 如果你的暖气不能正常工作,请联系房东.
  • 灭火器: 应该有 至少 每个公寓单元配备一个干式化学灭火器. There should always be a fire extinguisher in the kitchen area.
  • 挡住了门口: Doorways and exits to dwellings should never be blocked or locked with a padlock. 永远不要在卧室门上使用挂锁.
  • 墙上的洞: Holes in walls reduce the wall effectiveness as a barrier to fire and permit fire to enter the interior structure of the property.
  • 了解逃生路线: 你应该 clearly be able to identify two escape routes from your bedroom and apartment.

如果你担心你的公寓安全, 您可以联系以下市政机构寻求帮助:

  • 消防部门(消防安全问题):208-4261
  • Neighborhood Impact Team (building safety and codes): 208-4123
  • 警察局-预防犯罪:208-4191
  • 所有紧急情况:911


On occasion, apartments and houses are burglarized and personal property is stolen or damaged. 总是锁好外面的门. 不要离开你的公寓或房子不上锁.

  • Make sure you record the serial numbers and model numbers of all expensive equipment.
  • When you move into your apartment, take photos or video record your apartment and belongings.
  • 租客有火险、盗窃险和责任险吗.
  • Break and vacation periods are the most likely time for thefts from students’ apartments and houses. 确保窗户和门锁正常工作. 不要留下贵重的财物, 立体声, TV, 电脑和其他设备在公寓内显眼的地方.
  • Report any suspicious person or activities to the Wilkes-Barre Police.


在威尔克斯-巴里市, 不超过四个没有关系的人 可以合租一套公寓或房子吗. 如果市政府举报你的房东违反了条例, the landlord will be 要求 to evict those tenants exceeding the maximum number per household.


In many city neighborhood areas, there is permit parking for property owners. Often renters are not eligible to obtain permits for on street parking. Students who violate the permit parking law or meters should expect to be ticketed and towed. Students are 不允许 to park on the street on North Franklin Street from Union Street to Jackson Street, 在排/联排别墅前面或在交通圈. The spaces in front of the row/townhouses are for the residents of these homes only. Students will be ticketed and towed by the City and repeated offenses will result in disciplinary action by the College.


有城市垃圾服务的公寓和房子, which is all apartments except larger apartment units where the landlord may provide a dumpster, are 要求 to use the blue city garbage bags that you must purchase at local stores or at Monarch Mart located in the Sheehy-Farmer Campus Center. Other garbage bags will not be accepted and violators will be fined by the city.

Information for students and parents about Off-Campus 住房 are available here, 在教务处网页上.