获得B.S. in Exercise Science and your M.S. 运动训练 in five years







Join the exciting and growing field of Athletic Trainers. The 3+2 Master of Science 运动训练 (MSAT) Program is an exciting, 创新, 加速课程,允许学生在五年内获得运动科学学士学位和运动训练硕士学位.


1. Pre-专业阶段: undergraduate component, Years 1, 2, and 3:

  • Pre-Professional阶段的学生将学习运动科学- Pre-Athletic Training Track.
  • 这些学生将在成功完成第三学年并满足进入专业阶段的所有要求后进入专业阶段.

2. 专业阶段: graduate component, Years 4 and 5:

  • 这些学生在成功完成第四年学业后将获得运动科学学士学位.
  • 这些学生将在成功完成五年级后获得运动训练理学硕士学位.

Playing for a professional sports team tops the list of many dream jobs, 但在现实中, those opportunities are few and far between. Many turn their passion for the game into a career as an athletic trainer, helping to improve sports performance by preventing and treating injuries. 无论是需要包扎脚踝的高中橄榄球运动员,还是手腕慢性受伤的职业篮球运动员, athletic trainers help prevent future injuries and heal existing ones.

运动教练(也被称为ATs)是专门从事预防的独特医疗保健提供者, 诊断。, and intervention of emergency, 急性, and chronic medical conditions involving impairment, functional limitations, 和残疾. In collaboration with physicians and other health team members, 运动教练决定如何优化他们的病人和客户的活动和参与.

强大的科学背景和技术能力对运动教练来说是至关重要的, but other personality traits are critical as well. 一个好的运动教练有很强的观察能力来发现和监测潜在的伤害. They are able to remain calm and communicate effectively when athletes get hurt. And they always put the patient first, 利用他们的知识和专长,确保提供正确的护理,以保持健康和流动.

Providing Care to a World that Needs You

Athletic trainers work with recreational, 业余, and professional athletes to prevent injuries and provide strength, 调节, 健身, and performance enhancement. 除了学校和专业运动队,他们的工作还发生在各种各样的环境中. They may be employed by 医院, sports medicine and physical therapy clinics, performing arts organizations (dancers, 音乐家), military and governmental agencies, and even industrial settings where employees have physically demanding jobs.

就业 opportunities in the field of Athletic Training look extremely positive. 美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is predicting a faster than average growth through 2026. Will it last beyond that? 最有可能的, as athletic trainers play an increasingly important role in the management, prevention and rehabilitation of injured athletes. 孩子们比以往任何时候都更早、更努力地训练,人们越来越担心伤病会影响到年幼的孩子. 高中和大学运动员面临着越来越大的提高成绩的压力, leading to chronic injuries, while middle-aged and elderly people are more active than ever.  所有这些都创造了对所有年龄段的合格运动教练服务的不断增长的需求. 

Professional PreparationCAATE accredited program


运动教练被认为是跨专业医疗团队不可或缺的成员, serving as active practitioners that make decisions about treatments, interventions and return to activity for their patients. To better reflect the level of expertise required of an athletic trainer, a new set of standards has been put in place by the AT Strategic Alliance (BOC, CAATE, NATA and NATA Foundation). 到2022年, 体育教练必须从一个认可的项目中获得硕士学位,才有资格参加认证考试委员会的考试,并由他们所在的州颁发资格证书.

What Makes our MSAT Program Stand Out?

我们的 program combines hands-on clinical experiences, 基于证据的实践和密集的课程,为学生准备他们的领域. Among the highlights are:

  • Student’s athletic training techniques are developed through distinctive coursework that is supported by the latest theories and research, such as Advanced Human Anatomy (with on-campus cadaver dissection); Head, 脖子, and Spine for cutting-edge techniques in evaluation, 诊断。 and treatment; Advanced Therapeutic Interventions for 创新 and sophisticated therapies and two Evidence-Based Medicine courses for high-level research and applications.
  • Classroom 知识 is integrated with clinical education, including 16 weeks of immersive experiences 学生在哪里获得重要的动手病人护理实践通过临床轮转在各种设置. 学生在包括当地学区在内的各种环境中获得现实世界的经验, 医院, college or professional sports teams. 如果他们选择, 他们甚至可以参加国际运动科学医学会议等全球性的机会.
  • 艾利健康科学中心是一个专门的设施,提供优秀的学术, lab and medical facilities. 我们的 state-of-the art modern exercise science lab offers cutting-edge equipment and technology including full VO2Max capabilities, Bioelectrical Impedance body assessment, 3-camera gait analysis abilities, ecg, DXA Scan and Tensiomyography. 一个完整的尸体解剖实验室和病人模拟器给我们的学生大量的机会在临床环境中实践.
  • A dedicated and highly qualified faculty 即积极参与运动训练的组织提供当代专业知识和临床经验. 专职运动医学系教职工10人,专职运动训练师10人, 我们的学生享受高度个性化的教育体验,在这里他们学习科学和人际交往技能,这是在这个职业中取得成功所必需的.
  • 我们的跨专业教育经验允许来自多个医疗保健学科的学生, including Physician Assistant and Nursing, to study and learn together. 学习有效地协作可以创造全面发展的专业人士,为当今以团队为基础的医疗保健环境做好准备.
  • In addition to the technical skills, 知识, and abilities required to be an athletic trainer, we help our students evolve into ethical citizens that serve the common good. 服务及社区 是我们项目的基石吗?我们鼓励学生参与志愿医疗服务和社区健康项目. 尊重和倡导每个人的尊严是我们课程的核心组成部分. 我们练习和培养领导技能,以确保下一代运动教练为社会的改善做出贡献.
  • 一个支持性的环境,鼓励学生与教师或自己的工作 develop research and theories, 其中许多以海报和口头形式在许多州(PATS)进行了展示。, 区域(EATA), and national (NATA) settings.
  • 优秀准备国家运动训练认证考试,具备 our BOC first time and overall pass rates both exceeding the national average. When it comes time to finding a job, 你可以从我们关系良好的教师那里获得优势,他们在AT组织和社区担任领导职务. Having been accredited since 2001, our program has strong connections to health care providers and organizations, including the Geisinger Health System and Lehigh Valley Health Network. 我们有一个 100% placement rate for graduates who are working at local high schools, professional organizations and hospital systems, in addition to organizations such as Pennsylvania Power & 光(页&L), Geisinger Health Systems, United States Olympic & 残奥委员会、美国国家橄榄球联盟、美国大学生体育协会一级院校和美国职业足球大联盟.

*(source: National Athletic Trainer’s Association Salary Survey 2021)

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